St. Margaret is proud to announce the addition of a new ministry for our homebound community of friends. The Ministry of Praise will enable our homebound parishioners to contribute their prayer time in a much needed and valuable way – by praying for your petitions!

All are invited to submit petitions to our Ministry of Praise Box located in the vestibule in Church. Petitions will be delivered by Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to those homebound parishioners who have enrolled in this ministry. Your petitions will be prayed on and will enrich the lives of the homebound, the volunteers and you as members of our faith community.

The Ministry of Praise is being used in over 20 states. It is being introduced to our parish because our homebound population expressed a wish to be of service to the parish. Besides individual petitions, they will also pray for the intentions of all our parishioners. We appreciate very much their generosity of spirit.

If you would like to submit your petitions, please fill out a petition slip and leave it in the Ministry of Praise box. Please do not include your name as all petitions are confidential and anonymous. Thank you for your interest strengthened as a prayerful community and family.